I have been acquainted with the online research journal ‘Cervellopages’ since the days it was conceived some years back by its dynamic and competent director Dr. Md Shamshad Akhtar, a friend of mine and Associate Professor and Head Department of Urdu, BMA College Baheri.

I am quite confident the online international and multi-disciplinary journal is much likely to emerge as a highly sought after forum for every scholar inclined to visualising things in original in his respective field of research around the world.

The undeterred diligence with which, I noticed, the journal being carved out, leaves me in no doubt about the journal to embody the insatiable appetite for creative innovativeness matched with inexhaustible fund of patience, all of these, after its progenitor, Dr. Md Shamshad Akhtar himself.

Admittedly, India is a bit late comer in the field of Digital and Communication Technology, Indians are much likely to benefit from their belatedness, thanks to their innate inclination for visualisation of virtuality.

Ease even of repeated correction in structure and texture of articles of any sort is no longer tedious. Putting ideas and data into printed form has turned into an enjoyable affair. Fast increasing computer literacy even in remotest part of the world has resulted in research activities being undertaken at tremendous speed.

Dr. Md Shamshad Akhtar has learnt the diversity of experiences in his multichromatic career and has finally opted to settle himself in the teaching profession from where Cervellopages has evolved imbibing the rich philanthropic cultural tradition of BMA College Baheri as an offshoot of its faculty of humanities co-ordinated by its Department of Urdu.

I’m sure Cervellopage, having come out and taken shape after the versatile imaginativeness of DrMd. Shamshah Akhtar will go on a long way traversing variegated changes along its course shaping creative thoughts of millions of authors choosing to contribute through its pages , and thereby embodying the future of the planet.

Arjun Raut

Associate Professor and Head, Department of English,

BMA College, Baheri, A Constituent Campus Of L N Mithila University



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